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RED DRAGON >> Alright, it's orange. And it's only orange because its being shot at. (It's standard shooter rules). This dragon typifies the whole graphic style - technology married to fantasy. You'll notice that each character plays distinctly differently, speeds vary wildly and their weapons sometimes trade strength for wider shots compared to the others. |
<< SELECT YOUR WARRIOR! Nowadays we're used to having squillions of characters to choose from, but in 1993 it was pretty smart to have a selection. Here's your gang. Raizing hadn't progressed to secret ships yet, so this four is all you will get. Mind you, these guys pop up regularly in later Raizing games so this is where it all started. |
ROCK TORTOISE >> He's not heavy, he's my bruvva - I tend to NOT shoot the two top turrets until the head appears, because if you do, you get three lower turrets which are much nastier to deal with. We're using Gain here, and his quite rubbish homing attack. Chitta on the other hand has a really good firey homing attack that's much more powerful. |
<< BLUE POINTY HAT After crossing the sea, in fact while you're crossing the sea, a huge floating castle appears, as it does. Unfortunately you can't shoot the kids, which would have been nice. Instead, the place has been overrun with goblins - shoot this mid sized baddy for an extra bomb. It's quite likely you will end up with nearly 10 bombs at times - the game is very generous with them. Makes dying with a huge stock of them strangely disturbing though. |
ONE OF THOSE COWS HAS FALLEN OVER>> First appearance of this red knight character, who dogs your progress every so often as you play. This form is pretty simple, just avoid the blue blobs which turn into large explosions. Staying in the middle of him, you'll be quite safe. Shoot him a bit and he will limp offscreen. Those tanks are probably more difficult, as Mahou point blanks you - there's no safe no-shot distance when you get close. |
<< WATER LOT OF POWERUPS Probably the only secret in the game - position yourself just above this water tower for a lot of powerups when you shoot it. Your main weapon is very puny, but after collecting a lot of Powerup P coins it becomes really powerful. Yes, you lose it when you die. |
LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT THING! >> Level two now, which begins with a fast scrolling ride over dark rainclouds, which suddenly clear and show this huge battleship. I love the attention to detail here, lots of little goblin crew running about panicking. There's a coin bag, shoot it to reveal a few Powerup coins - which can be tricky to collect as they drop quickly. |
BOMBER UP! >> If you die, Mahou encourages you to continue by popping up this SPECIAL fairy which drops loads of powerups. Not that I'd ever continue of course, outside of reviewing purposes. Forget the fairy then, and look at the Bomber up icons, you get four of them just for shooting the row of barrel things here. Overgenerous maybe? |
<< FORECAST CLOUDY Time to start using some of those bombs now, I usually lose a life attacking the large turrets. As well as blasting large fireballs, they have a spread of bullets to catch the unwary player. Is it just me or is that camouflage design cool or what? |
A SCREEN GRAB >> Level 2's boss jumps out of the battleship, and is your first real challenge. Normally I avoid all his shots easily enough, but his grabbing handies and rushing attacks will splat the daydreaming shmupper. |
<< WHERE DID YOU GET THAT HAT On first visit this seems like the boss, but it's not. Just a large turret really, make sure you clear all the small guns quickly as the whole thing will blow up quicker if you do. |
DON'T BUG ME >> Level three! And what a brilliant level it is - lots to do, lots of variety! Starting off with a fast approach over woodland, and flying bugs and harpies throwing gunge and feathers at you. Then, a fortress entrance appears with two baddies guarding it, which I didn't take a pic of - I wish I did because I had a brilliant "Enemies at the Gates" caption for it. Hmph. |
<< SHINY HAPPY BLUE PEOPLE HOLDING HANDS Easy to avoid if you have a fast craft. Miyamoto is the fastest - I think he's my favourite. Chitta here is doing fairly well, the blue shots get spat out, and suddenly home in on you. A simple up and down avoiding technique will see you through! |
CROWDED HOUSE >> Look, just bomb them, ok? It's a mess in here and avoiding the big flying guy's blasts in the middle of all this isn't that easy. Don't be afraid to bomb regularly as you do get loads of them so you might as well use them. |
<< GOOSEBERRY JAM Don't bother shooting them - squash them instead! Just break the red laser, and blocks will come out and splat them for you. I love this kind of interactivity in a shmup. Unusually for a vertically scrolling game, the background is navigable, although you don't die by hitting it. |
FLUSHED WITH SUCCESS >> Once again, he's limped off waving his fist and vowing to return, and pulled the plug. The screen fills with water, lots of sploshing sounds ensue, and yes, its still level 3. |
<< THE THIN BLUE LINE Alright, here's the bastard again. This time he has new weapons attached, a couple of vicious spinning blades and a rather cool blue twisty lasery thing, which attempts to wrap round your ship. It's easily sussed though, but onlookers will be impressed with your skill and cunning :) |
SALAMANDER REJECTS >> Bomb time again - deal with these snake dragons quickly, as they zoom in and out of the screen and WILL catch you napping. The amount of times I've been here fully tooled up and one of them has popped up underneath me - gahhhh..... |
<< PHLEGM MONSTERS This is where you'll notice the difference between an unpowered up main weapon, and one which has had lots of Powerup coins fed to it. Fully powered up, this is a breeze, just a few shots to the greedy faces and they fall apart. The blobby things don't kill you, they just slime your ship and make it slower. |
HIT ME WITH YOUR RHYTHM STICK >> Always on the move this guy. Now he "walks" down the screen (kind of like the big bellydancer in Parodius but not as cute) and waves his thingy at you. I can't help but snigger as he does this. Scoot quickly above him as he lifts his leg. |
<< MR BLOBBY RETURNS Level 3's Boss - and I adore him. Cuddly, squishy and wobbly in all the right places. Without a fully powered main weapon, you have to defend yourself a lot more from this attack - just sitting still and shooting won't work as you aren't powerful enough to catch everything that comes your way. |
BEANS AND TOMATO SAUCE >> Level four, and the little game you thought was a walkover in earlier levels begins to bite back hard. Using Bonnham or whatever his name is here was a mistake I think, he's slow and I don't find him much use at all. |
<< LARD ASS EATS LEAD I'm not sure which bit you have to shoot to kill him really. Is it the middle red blob, or the knob on the end of his waving willy? No matter, he's in his death throes now, and thus ends a very satisfying level three. |
MR HELI >> Not very gobliny, you think? Its a very military themed level this, if you leave off shooting the helicopters a bit lots of goblin men parachute out of them. |
<< GREEN GIANT IN HELICOPTER MACHINE GUN MAN PINK SPERM ATTACK SHOCKER! He does have a nice pink homing shot though, handy for thes machine gun guys who shoot fast without asking questions first. Reminds me a lot of Dodonpachi colouring in the backgrounds. |
EDGE OF THE EARTH >> Shit! We've run out of background tiles! Kind of a shock when we suddenly end up in space! Very horrible fast moving small enemies here which throw many aimed shots, try not to die as you NEED to be fully powered for the boss! |
<< STEALTH DRAGONS These just look simply great - flying wing type planes look totally normal until they split and a mechadragon's head gobs fireballs your way. Dealing with two at once is not nice. |
HE'S BEEN WORKING OUT >> Now this is ridiculous, check out those shoulderpads. The missiles are easy to avoid, but be very very careful for the blobs which appear along with some fast green spread shots. |
<< ROKKIT TO THE MOON A massive rocket appears from behind, stay out its way! The capsule breaks off, makes a few half-hearted attempts to kill you, and burst open, and guess who appears. Yup, Red Guy. |
SEX BOMB >> Hahahahaha die you motherfunker! Lots of bombs will finish him off - aren't they pretty? Some bosses can be a bit too tricky, so if you can't be bothered with their antics just bomb them to death instead. |
<< SNOT A LASER Yes, and be careful of this too. Go anywhere near the green lasers, even when they are fading, and blammo. The attention to detail is fab, each time it blasts the laser gun ejects little empty cartridges. |
JOHN MAJOR RETURNS >> Nasty hare lip, if he's causing trouble just call him Vagina Face. Names won't hurt him though, but sticks and bones will. Quite easy, but STAY at the bottom as he swirls about madly. |
<< STEPPING OUT Level 5, and this is about as far as I can get on a credit normally. Level 5 is a kicker, literally. The Buzz Lightyear guys will kick the floating castle blocks to the side if you let them, so, don't let them. |
GOING CAR-PARK POSTAL >> Incredibly good fun blowing up all the parked tanks, so much so that it's easy to get obsessed by it and forget to avoid the enemies. |
<< JOBBIES ON A STICK Arrrgh I hate these!! You really must have a homing attack here, as the side turrets will point blank you dead as there's no room to move about when the fire guys start their thing. |
HAVEN'T I SEEN YOUR FACE BEFORE? >> This is the remix level, which you'll encounter in many later Raizing games too. Many of the bosses in previous levels are in dry dock, but they don't pose a problem - it's the floating castles which do. |
<< LINE DANCING FOR GOBLINS Get here with a weedy weapon, and the streams of dancing enemies here create a screenful of arrows and shots which is very hard to survive in. |
MY FIREBALLS ARE BIGGER THAN YOURS >> And this is where the pics stop. Level 6, and 7, I'm only going to show you this. These levels have lots of great surprises, and I'm damned if I'm going to spoil it for you. This is the start of level six, where you're in a huge arena, fighting lots of large (and small) sub-bosses. Terrifically hard by now, and very very exciting! |
<< BLUE PETER BOSS Here comes the boss! Wait a mo - a tiny wee wizard dude appears. Pathetic! Then, he gathers some toilet paper, sticky tape, string and bobbins and becomes this rather cobbled together looking thing. On a very lucky day, I'll kill him. I don't know what it is, but even with plenty bombs, very careful playing, and 3 lives in stock - I find it very hard to get past him. |
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