Hi! I'm Malc and this
is shmups.com, launched on 26th May 1997 as the very first website
dedicated to shoot-em-up games, mostly of the 2D scrolling variety.
(If you're looking for FPS shooters, you're in the wrong place!)
also like to welcome Akira and Bloodflowers along
as co-owners of the site, together we will be providing you with
the very best shmup reviews
ever, a definitive listing
of shmups on all platforms, great links
to other shmup sites and lastly - the forum. In there you
can join in the shmups
main chat for news, views and lots of varied and occasionally
heated shmup discussions, post your hi-scores,
and also trade
consider shmups to be the last real classic game genre still alive
- games in which score, skill, technique, replayability, and finely
honed 2-dimensional gameplay are all-important.
can be picked up for 10 minutes, and enjoyed fully in that space
of time. They
can literally last for decades - I'm still trying to complete
Flying Shark today. Perfect for modern busy lifestyles I reckon
- a short, intense burst of pure gameplay. But they're often severely
misunderstood by today's gamers ("repetitive, easy to credit
feed to the end, all you do is shoot!"). Well, their loss!
shmups.com veterans will have seen this site go through a few
changes over the years. What you see here is is a step towards
simplicity and
ease of updating, and bringing some life and regular posting of
reviews back into it. I'm extremely indebted to everyone involved
in contributing to the site so far with reviews and tons of information,
especially Akira!
there's also a how to submit reviews
page up now, have a look. Get busy - writing about shmups should
be a labour of love... that's how I started, and that's what I
want to bring back into it.
if you hate what I'm doing here, or you despise the word
"shmup", I don't care. I'm living in the past,
I can't hear you...
live shmups :) Malc