«« Levels 1 & 2   Levels 3, 4 & 5    Lvs 6 & 7 >>

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<< See that orange blotch? That used to be me. Those guns kind of creep up on you, even if you know they're there.

>> Gratuitous power-up shot.

[ Gotta love that firepower - Felix the Cat ]

<< This is the third level boss. I didn't get a shot of him shooting anything, I was trying to beat it without dying and had to concentrate on that. I failed. As bad as I am at these things, I probably need to quit playing them.

>> A mall? Shooting up a mall? Sure, why not.

<< I hate this guy. I mean, I really hate this guy. See those little planes surrounding him? He shoots those things out of SOME orifice at the rate that most other bosses shot bullets. By the way, he shoots twice as many bullets as planes. AAAARRRGHHH!

>> This guy pops up near the beginning of this level. He's not that hard. Just move carefully, and you'll be fine. Maybe.

<< NOT another gratuitous power-up shot. This is here for a good reason. All along the highway, you peek over the edges at all the people on the beach, and they are WAY down there. This game has MASSIVE parallax at times.

>> Rockin' down the highway.

<< I can't say I'm a fan of the twin helicopter attack. At least not when it's ME being attacked.

>> Like I said, this game has some MASSIVE firepower. Where can I get one of those things?

<< This dude is tough. Those bullet streams go left and right constantly, so you have to carefully weave back and forth to keep from making a nice little shrapnel cloud out of yourself.

>> AAAAAAHHHH! That little blast comes with no warning, so watch out.

Check out Levels 6 & 7!


shmups!   © 1997 - 2007  Malcolm Laurie