One of my favorite parts of this game is the destruction of private
property like... |
>> ... THIS! HAHAHA! If they
didn't want their cars to get blown up, they should have parked
somewhere else. Like Cleveland. |
This is the first level boss. Like most first level bosses, he ain't
as tough as he looks. |
>> The beginning of level 2.
There's ome really good parallax in the background here. It looks
real cool when it's moving. |
Do all shooters have these things? You know, the huge planes that
pop up and throw grievous amounts of lead at you?
[ YES if it's Raizing Shmups - Felix the Cat ] |
>> When a game throws this many
missiles at you, you know it doesn't want you around. Luckily, they
can be shot as can all the pink bullets in the game. I only wish
I could shoot the pink bullets in DonPachi. |
The second level boss. He isn't too tough at this point. |
>> He is at this part. He tosses
out those green rings then spews forth a stream of bullets. Tougher
than a second level boss should be.
Check out Levels 3, 4, and 5! |