3 has a sort of watery theme. (Did you notice the loosely themed
levels yet?)
Looks dead easy this, just a couple of Bubble-Birds coasting by.... |
Joined by a few of their mates, the birds present no real hazard
though. |
the forest area, we come across two crabs, with amusingly doglike
Burst their bubbles and dive into the water... |
the screen goes all wobbly and squirmy, inducing worrying thoughts
of imminent hurling if you'd had a few the night before.
This could be nicked straight from that fun playstation party game,
Point Blank! |
he's a fatty, innee??
Shaking his maracas, he flings small morning-stars at you. |
he becomes all skinny and reminds me of a peperami somehow.
He's only vulnerable in this mode, so shoot him quick and get out
of there! |
must be an awfully small world, look at the curvature of the horizon.
Either that or its a convex lake. Equally impossible.
Splash into Level 4!! |