OOOARGHHHHHHH!!!!! Just started the stage, and already I'm met with
the cold embrace of death... Things are gonna get a LOT harder from
here on in. |
>> I knew it! The palm tree
was behind all of this! Eat lead, tropical plant! |
This is what I get for trying to buy a PS2 on launch day.... (not
that I actually would) |
>> This huge badass tank comes
up from behind, crushes the fountain and most of the parking lot,
and then proceeds to open fire on you while on the highway. Another
hard as hell boss, this guy has a spread-shot wave that starts out
really easy, but gets faster and faster, until it's next to impossible
to dodge. He also gets you with some tough plain as vanilla laser
antics, so watch out for those too. |
....wow, ESP sucks.
[ I WANT SOME ESP!!! - Felix the Cat ]
Blast on to level 4! |