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The weapon select screen. Pushing up or down will make the weapon pod on the platform change.

That’s one mean backpack!


This game is not meant to be taken seriously at all. Just look at the stark raving mad fish skeletons! A neat effect is the reflection in the mirror behind you.

Ack! Speaking of which, it jumps out and starts attacking! That’s 14 years of bad luck...

Results and ranking. I like these features, they make you want to play better next time.

The trouble shooters at home, enjoying a quiet evening... not for long though. This series reminds me of the anime Bubble Gum Crisis.

(Poor BGC - Akira)

That snake seems to go on forever... This is one special weapon too, it covers your 12 o’clock and 6’o clock.

The riff raff that ride the subways these days...

This little guy got a new toy for Christmas. Shoot him to disable his robot.

Wow, that thing won’t quit! Ladies, do your job!


Why didn’t someone stop that building before? C’mon, it just looks evil...

Today you’re a guest on Monty Python’s Flying Circus. (Remember the foot in the intro?) I’d like a Spam, Spam, eggs, Spam and sausage, please.

(More sausage in page 2 - Akira)



shmups!   © 1997 - 2007  Malcolm Laurie